Good habits are more easily established. If you want to save a lot of money on dentist visits and spare your child the pain of tooth decay, you will start very young them the habit of taking care of their mouths. Brushing teeth new should become routine as bathe and wash your hands.
The first teeth begin to erupt when a child is between three and six months. Once or twice a day you can clean your baby gum ridges with a finger covered in a clean baby. A washcloth baby is better than an ordinary because it is thinner and less material to cause your baby to gag.
When your child is starting their first solid foods at the age of six months, you can follow along with sips of water. Drinking water is a good way to clean up your mouth, and it's also a great opportunity to begin the transition to a child to drink from a Cup. Even if you plan to breastfeed your baby in their years of the child, the child may be introduced into a cup of water with meals, of solid foods. If drinking water at home do not have fluoride you should consider a fluoride supplement to your child between the ages of 6 months and 16 years.
Once you have a few teeth in your mouth to brush, you can change the towel for toothbrush of a baby or child. Gently brush when you can't avoid the gingival area. You can do without the toothpaste until they are old enough to spit it out, which is about three years. There are also toddler toothpaste available for purchase that are safe for children to swallow. If the family toothpaste is too strong in flavor for baby you can try a kids toothpaste or milder-flavored toothpaste without artificial sweeteners that can be found in many health food stores.
Probably you will need to give a great deal of supervision in the teeth brushing until a child is seven or eight years. Before then you can let your child pick up your toothbrush and prove themselves, but many children have difficulty with the up and down motion required to clean teeth along the gumline. Check after they brushed, carry out a Visual examination to spot and follow up with the brush when food can be seen along the gumline or stuck in molars.
When the teeth of babies arrive there are usually plenty of space around them. As the teeth and molars start to touch, flossing should become an important part of the program. Parents will probably be necessary to manage the thread until a child is seven or eight years, but after that a child should be able to do it themselves using tools. A flosser is usually easier than working with dental floss on a reel. A flosser is a U-shaped piece of plastic with a small wire tucked between the open ends of the u.
Children should be flossing your teeth for about two minutes a session at least twice a day. One way to help a child to brush long enough is to have a two-minute egg timer from the sink. Another way is to have a tradition of brushing your teeth for the length it takes to hum the song is long enough.
The majority of dental caries prevention can be handled at home by parents. However, every time one suspects dental problems in your child or baby, see your dentist or talk with your pediatrician. Regular checkups with a dentist can start around the age of three years.