Flossing is important for your oral health. Studies show that flossing will prevent a number of different medical conditions in the mouth and even in the heart. Some of these conditions include halitosis, tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and heart disease. If you are guilty of not flossing as much as you should it is time to change your habits so you can get rid of the bacteria and plaque that is hiding between your teeth. When you shop for flossing products, you should look for products that are designed for your mouth. Here are some tips on what to look for when you are shopping for dental floss to combat the plaque.
Knowing Your Mouth
Some people have very large spaces between their teeth and others have small gaps that are very tight. Just because the gaps between your teeth are small does not mean that bacteria will not find a way to nest where you cannot reach with even the best manual toothbrushes. If you have tight teeth, it is no excuse to floss less. The best dental floss for tight teeth will be easy to glide between each tooth.
Flat Floss: You can find flat floss products that are known to gently glide between the teeth that are close together. Look for an anti-plaque floss that is easy on the gums and coated with wax. The wax makes it easier to nudge the floss between the teeth so you do not have to push too hard and cause bleeding of the gums.
Indicator Floss: A fairly new product on the shelves is indicator floss. Look for a smaller string when purchasing this type of floss. The difference between standard floss and indicator floss is that the product will make the plaque stand out on the string. The floss is blue in color and the white plaque will show easily on the string. This shows you if you have been missing specific areas so you can change your habits.
If you find it difficult to floss with your fingers because of limited dexterity, you might want to consider looking for a floss pick with flat floss. These picks are easy to use and make the task of flossing quicker and easier. Try out a few different types of floss and ask your dentist for samples. When you find a floss you like, stick with it and use it daily.