Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Brushing toddlers teeth encourage

 Here are some tactics for getting children to brush your teeth.

1. let your child Pick his (or her) own brush and paste

The kids are going through a phase where they are fighting for autonomy. Are given the opportunity to select your own toothbrush and toothpaste can help them feel empowered and "grown up". Sometimes be the ones to choose their own toothbrush and toothpaste is sufficient to encourage them to brushing teeth, because they were actively involved from the outset. These days, there is a great variety of toothpastes and toothbrushes for children available. To help facilitate the decision-making process of your child, select two brushes and two tubes of toothpaste before presenting it to your child to make the final choice, otherwise you might find yourself in store for the rest of the day while your child tries to make up the (his) mind.

2. Offer toothbrushes with your child's favourite characters
With the wide variety of children's toothbrushes available these days, it's almost impossible not to find one with a character that appeals to your child. Sometimes the idea of being able to scrub with a toothbrush or Pooh toothbrush Mickey can be enough to entice a child to brush your teeth his (or her).

3. Interesting toothpaste

These days, children's toothpastes also come in a variety of flavors "Favorites". Let your child pick the flavor he or she loves best and find greater cooperation when it comes to time. The unfortunate downside to this is that it also encourages children to eat the dough, rather than simply brushing with it. For this reason, it is important to screen your child's toothpaste to make sure they are free or have a fluorine content of fluorine. But great for fluoride prevent tooth decay, it is not intended for regular consumption by the toothpaste. Alternatively, toothpastes that are available in different colors may be more exciting for your child's toothpaste standard "white". Gel pastes are usually a hit--although be sure before the Mint is not too hot for your baby.

4. Give your child a free rein

Although children have poor manual dexterity and probably won't do a good job of brushing your teeth, sometimes it helps to hand over the brush and let them try to clean their teeth on their own. You can always pick up toward the end to make sure the job is done right.

5. Awards

Offering a sticker or a reward for each brushing experience can sometimes produce results. With an older child you can create a sticker chart where your child earn a sticker each time he (or she) brushes. Once x number of stickers have been collected, you can reward your child with a bigger prize.

6. Brush collection

Some children like to imitate the actions of their parents. If dad is brushing your teeth, your child may also be willing to do the same.

7. Positive reinforcement

There are a lot of programs for children and books showing your favorite characters to clean their teeth. If your child is especially obstinate about cleaning the teeth of his (or her), be sure to observe some of these programs or read these books together. Then when it comes time, you may remember your child's favourite characters like his (or her) clean their teeth to keep them clean and healthy.

For toddlers, though often difficult to handle, they are completely unreasonable. When given the proper motivation, they can be encouraged to do most of the things you want.

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