Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to teach your kids to brush your teeth

Do you have a hard time getting your kids to brush your teeth? Is a battle every time? This task may seem simple enough, until you have to pry open your child's sweet mouth on the day that he has determined that he doesn't want to brush your teeth! If you, like most parents, they had some difficulty getting your child to collaborate, then try these tips useful, affordable dental.
Use their interests to your advantage
There are many affordable dental products available that are attractive for children-you can find an affordable dental toothbrush and toothpaste dental insurance affordable with almost any character that your child loves to watch on TV. If your child has an emotional bond with Minnie Mouse, then buy an affordable dental brush in the shape of Minnie and when it's time to brush teeth, let her know that Minnie Mouse wants to help you get your teeth cleaned!
Make brushing fun
Try to experience your child's brushing as much fun as possible. If your kids like to sing, then create a special song to sing to them for the duration of brushing. A song by brushing also gives them a time frame for how long it should be brushing. Many kids want to actively crawl the toothbrush between teeth once and call it good-have a song or chant ready will help you be a little more thorough.
Communicate the benefits of brushing teeth
Letting children know that plaque causes cavities that hurt, make it difficult to eat and make not convenient dental bills might actually encourage them to be proactive with their dental care for a healthier future, more affordable dental insurance. Dentist one 3-year-old recently informed her that the plaque is like "sugar bug" stick to your teeth and cause cavities, resulting in having to see the dentist more often. Sound gross? Well, this little girl is now very excited about brushing your teeth twice a day. In fact, she even remembers her mother to brush your teeth sometimes because you don't want the sugar bugs sitting on his teeth! Like most kids, she doesn't want any more that you have to go to the dentist!
Help Them
Finally, teach your children the proper techniques of brushing your teeth. Think of all the advice that you gave your dentist and share them with your child. Important tips to remember are to brush in a circular motion for at least 30 seconds, and to ensure that you reach every surface of every tooth-anterior, posterior and side. For younger children, who are determined to brush themselves, but they still hand-eye coordination to do a thorough job, brushing teeth for them having had a breakthrough.
Now is the time to take these helpful hints and conquer the task to teach your kids to brush your teeth. If I understand completely now or not, your children will thank you later for your dental affordable investment that will pay either less visits to the dentist and dental health in the long term. Once you've learned how to teach your kids to brush, you can take on the job more daunting to get your kids to FLOSS!

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