When you think of dental floss, you probably picture a small rectangular container that has a coil of dental floss with threaded through a small hole next to a metal clip that can be used to cut the cord to the desired length. You probably don't spend much time thinking about what kind of FLOSS is the coil because there is only one type, right? Actually, this isn't right. In fact, there are many types including dental floss coated with wax, Unwaxed, Teflon coated, fluoride and more. In this article we will discuss some of the most common types of dental floss, and some dental floss AIDS and their associated benefits.
First, let's talk about some of the similarities of dental floss. All serve the same purpose, so they must be flexible, soft and easy to use. Most types are made from cotton fibres or nylon before they are coated with wax or Teflon. Ultimately, what kind of FLOSS you use comes down to preference; so try them all and use what you like best. You can choose from FLOSS waxed or Unwaxed, Teflon-coated dental floss, dental floss and floss flavored or odorless.
Waxed and Unwaxed
These are the most common and fundamental types of dental floss. Some dentists are more likely to recommend the Unwaxed kind because the wires are best to absorb food particles and cleaning of your teeth. Similarly, some dentists FLOSS waxed antipathy because of the potential to leave a waxy film on the teeth. However, waxed FLOSS tends to be smoother and more easily moves between the teeth; It is also resistant to wear so less of it will last longer.
FLOSS in Teflon is a relatively new addition to the lineup of dental floss. As a non-stick Teflon, this type is very smooth and moves easily between teeth without the risk of leaving a waxy residue behind. FLOSS Teflon is shred-resistant and stronger and more durable than other types.
Even a relatively new form of dental floss, the type of tape is much thicker than standard type and is excellent for people with wider spaces between teeth. Ribbon floss is also resistant to breakage or wear and tear, and moves easily between teeth.
Dental floss flavored leaves a nice taste in the mouth and is available in all types. Mint and cinnamon are common tastes, but recently there is a wide range of flavoured types available including strawberry or even bacon.
Flossing is probably the practice of dental hygiene avoided anymore. We all brush every day, but most people concede that they FLOSS only sporadically. As such, flossing aids were designed to make the task as easy as possible. You can buy devices through which floss is threaded so that you can more easily floss your teeth; in fact, there are even pre-flossing sticks that are discarded after each use. These devices are not needed, but if they make you more likely to FLOSS regularly, you should consider investing in a flossing aid that works for you.