Saturday, December 22, 2012

What are the dangers of tooth whitening

Modern discoveries in the field of dentistry have allowed many people to get rid of embarrassing tooth discoloration. Now, more and more people can have teeth that closely resemble the teeth of actors and actresses that we admire. As with most things, however, there are also disadvantages and dangers of teeth whitening.
Staining teeth
Each individual will naturally yellow or off white teeth because of aging. Usually, though, the natural process of tooth staining can be exacerbated by our habits. Frequent and too much drinking tea, coffee and wine as well as red constant smoking can stain your teeth. When this happens, individuals can choose between different teeth whitening procedures.
You can go to a dentist and ask to have your teeth whitened through the combined use of lasers and chemicals. You can also ask your dentist will fit with a dental tray that you can use with a bleaching agent. Another alternative would be to buy just over the counter trays, bleaching agents, special toothpastes and other bleaching products.
Errata Whitening
A lot of experts and dentists agree that bleaching procedures they use are really quite safe. Their professional skills and the proper use of chemicals, tools and procedures that guarantee. Real dangers in teeth whitening result from improper use of over the counter products and tools. The following are some of the factors that may endanger your dental and oral health:
If you do not follow the application instructions and product life
Using the trays that don't fit perfectly
Using too much of a product
Allowing this product generously pour out a tray
Leaving a tray or a product for too long
Dangers of teeth whitening

Using a whitening product or tool incorrectly can cause damage. Here are some of the dangers in teeth whitening who should be aware of.
Using too much of a product particularly those containing Abrasives can destroy tooth enamel, resulting in a general thinning and semi-transparency. Protective enamel damage also exposes naturally teeth can decay. Take note that abrasives are present even in seemingly harmless products and common tooth like toothpaste.

A certain degree of sensitivity is a natural side effect of using whitening products. Overuse of the product however could severely damage nerve endings. When this happens, it will become extremely sensitive to hot and cold substances and sometimes even to the outside temperature. In the worst cases, you may lose your teeth.

The product could spill over the gums and other parts of the mouth that could result in burning fabric. You might even accidentally swallow the chemicals resulting in stomach, vomiting and dizziness.
Keep safe

The safest way to avoid the dangers of teeth whitening is not having tried to get faster and better results. Bleaching agents in particular have specific application instructions and can be left only on your teeth for a limited period of time depending on the concentration and chemical. Therefore you should only use a product as instructed and taught.
Even the best way to seek help and advice from an experienced dentist. A dentist will be able to accurately assess your situation and give you the right treatment that fits your condition.

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